A Powerful Docketing, Calendaring, and Tickler System.
Never Miss a Critical Date or Deadline.
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A Powerful Docketing, Calendaring, and Tickler System.
Web-based Application to Centralize Matter Information.
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A Powerful Docketing, Calendaring, and Tickler System.
With PACER and Court Notices Integration.
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A Powerful Docketing, Calendaring, and Tickler System.
With Popular DMS Integration (iManage, netdocuments).
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A Powerful Docketing, Calendaring, and Tickler System.
With Integration to 3E, Aderant, Outlook and Office 365.
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MatterAlert is a matter-centric docketing, calendaring and tickler system designed to help legal teams manage all matter-related information seamlessly in one platform. The right tickler and docketing system makes it easy to keep track of all critical dates, limitation periods and tasks across all matters so that you never miss any deadlines.


Matter Templates

Matter Templates

Design Matter Templates for different matter types (e.g. IP matters) or specific clients to enforce collection of certain information and documents, and to automate creation of tasks and calendar events every time a matter of same type is created.

Court rules

Court Rules

Automatic Calendar Event Creation

MatterAlert is integrated to Court-Rules Service which tracks critical trigger dates (such as limitation periods, deadlines, tiral dates, etc.) of select courts across North America.

Based on Court Rules, calendar events and reminders are automatically created at the time of creating a matter.

Dates are tracked during lifetime of a matter, and if a court updates their rules, calendar events are automatically updated to reflect the new dates.

Matter Dashboard

Matter Dashboard

View/update all matter related information in one central place. 

This is made possible by integration to accounting system, document system, and Microsoft 365/Exchange.



MatterAlert notifications make sure the matter team never misses any critical dates or limitation periods:

Accounting System Integration

Accounting System Integration

Matter Alert is integrated to well-known accounting systems such as 
Thomson Reuters 3E and Aderant and timekeeper information can automatically be imported to MatterAlert.

automatic sync

Automatic Syncing of Dates and Rules

MatterAlert automatically adjusts calendar events dates as limitation periods and critical dates (e.g. court date or mediation date) change and then, syncs it with all user calendars.

Additional Features

task escalation

Task Escalation

A specific type of timekeeper (e.g. Matter Attorney) can be defined in the matter template so that they are notified when important tasks are due and not marked as completed. 

This is a double measure ensuring that critical tasks are dealt with within the allotted timeframe.

Distribution lists

Distribution Lists

Tasks and Events can be assigned to Distribution Lists (e.g. IP Department) instead of an individual. 

Any member of the Distribution List will receive the event in their
calendar automatically.

outlook integration

Outlook Integration

MatterAlert seamlessly integrates into Office365 and Exchange Servers (2010 and above). So, calendar events and reminders created or updated in MatterAlert are automatically reflected in Outlook. With an efficiently crafted work schedule for each user, operations can run smoothly and cost effectively, boosting productivity and profitability at the same time.

bulk updates

Bulk Updates

Matter teams change as people leave or join the company or the team. Using bulk updates, a docketing manager can seamlessly make bulk changes to events related of a matter or across multiple matters. 

For example, when an attorney departs from the firm, all events, appointments, and tasks created in MatterAlert can be assigned to a new attorney with just a few clicks. 

Those changes are automatically reflected in for each subscriber.

easy roll out

Easy Rollout

No problematic desktop installations is needed. MatterAlert is web-based; all the users need to connect is a browser.

Our application design is clean, modern, and responsive, and it adapts to the size of
the screen users use; whether it is a desktop, tablet, or any mobile device.

External attendees

External Attendees

External contacts can be included as event attendees (if you choose to). 

System will automatically send event invites and reminders to the added external contacts. 

This flexibility makes communication with clients and other parties so much easier and seamless.

audit logs

Audit Logs

Any changes in the system is logged and can be audited. 

Changes include any update in the matter, adding or removing attendees, or updating any calendar task or event.

ethical wall

Ethical Wall

We understand how important it is to keep matter related information private and only accessible by the proper stakeholders. 

MatterAlert can be setup to synchronize with your in-house ethical wall, so when a new matter is uploaded into MatterAlert, by default only the approved users would have access to the information pertaining to that specific matter. 

 Approved users can be manually added or removed from within the application as well.

Assistant Friendly

Assistant Friendly

An assistant can be approved to manage their attorney’s calendars on MatterAlert, as well as having their own personal calendar which allows them to create, change and set appointments, reminders, and assign matter specific tasks.

powerful search

Variable Views and Powerful Search

When looking through upcoming events, appointments, or reminders in MatterAlert you are given the choice to view them in the calendar format or a detailed list that can be sorted, filtered, and searched based on matter, tags, assignees, dates, and other metadata assigned to each matter.
ILTA Silver Sponsor
SOC two compliance

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How does MatterAlert Work?

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